B&B - Nature & Pinceaux Rates

Arrivée Départ Adulte Enfants
  • Regular room with private bathroom - CP

    Regular room with private bathroom - CP

    On Request.
    Accommodation with a private bathroom including breakfast
    Prices displayed in USD - United States Dollars
    • $1,585.80
    • Prix par nuit : $226.54
    • Total pour la chambre : $1,585.80
    • Personne supplémentaire : $0.00
    • Enfant supplémentaire :$0.00
    • Créer votre devis
    Date Journée Adulte
    dans le prix
    dans le prix
    Total Supplément
    23-sept.-2024 Monday 2 0 $226.54 $0.00 $0.00 On Request.
    24-sept.-2024 Tuesday 2 0 $226.54 $0.00 $0.00 On Request.
    25-sept.-2024 Wednesday 2 0 $226.54 $0.00 $0.00 On Request.
    26-sept.-2024 Thursday 2 0 $226.54 $0.00 $0.00 On Request.
    27-sept.-2024 Friday 2 0 $226.54 $0.00 $0.00 On Request.
    28-sept.-2024 Saturday 2 0 $226.54 $0.00 $0.00 On Request.
    29-sept.-2024 Sunday 2 0 $226.54 $0.00 $0.00 On Request.
  • Superior room with Private bathroom - CP

    Superior room with Private bathroom - CP

    On Request.
    Accommodation with a private bathroom including breakfast
    Prices displayed in USD - United States Dollars
    • $1,943.88
    • Prix par nuit : $277.70
    • Total pour la chambre : $1,943.88
    • Personne supplémentaire : $0.00
    • Enfant supplémentaire :$0.00
    • Créer votre devis
    Date Journée Adulte
    dans le prix
    dans le prix
    Total Supplément
    23-sept.-2024 Monday 2 0 $277.70 $32.23 $32.23 On Request.
    24-sept.-2024 Tuesday 2 0 $277.70 $32.23 $32.23 On Request.
    25-sept.-2024 Wednesday 2 0 $277.70 $32.23 $32.23 On Request.
    26-sept.-2024 Thursday 2 0 $277.70 $32.23 $32.23 On Request.
    27-sept.-2024 Friday 2 0 $277.70 $32.23 $32.23 On Request.
    28-sept.-2024 Saturday 2 0 $277.70 $32.23 $32.23 On Request.
    29-sept.-2024 Sunday 2 0 $277.70 $32.23 $32.23 On Request.
  • Standard Room with private bathroom - CP

    Standard Room with private bathroom - CP

    On Request.
    Accommodation including breakfast
    Prices displayed in USD - United States Dollars
    • $1,739.26
    • Prix par nuit : $248.47
    • Total pour la chambre : $1,739.26
    • Personne supplémentaire : $0.00
    • Enfant supplémentaire :$0.00
    • Créer votre devis
    Date Journée Adulte
    dans le prix
    dans le prix
    Total Supplément
    23-sept.-2024 Monday 2 0 $248.47 $0.00 $0.00 On Request.
    24-sept.-2024 Tuesday 2 0 $248.47 $0.00 $0.00 On Request.
    25-sept.-2024 Wednesday 2 0 $248.47 $0.00 $0.00 On Request.
    26-sept.-2024 Thursday 2 0 $248.47 $0.00 $0.00 On Request.
    27-sept.-2024 Friday 2 0 $248.47 $0.00 $0.00 On Request.
    28-sept.-2024 Saturday 2 0 $248.47 $0.00 $0.00 On Request.
    29-sept.-2024 Sunday 2 0 $248.47 $0.00 $0.00 On Request.